Level 4013 of 4799Started on Mar 08, 2015.
Completed on Mar 11, 2015.
Artist matrix
Grid poem
Look! Look at this... they do what I say. But why? Can I try? No! What are you going to do about it? . On they Fight for The Right, Yes but who's to say? Men of 5 Still Alive thru the Raging Glow...I'm sent here by The Chosen One. gsdagdg cable news reporterette reports permanent sht not worthy of Nirvana, and disconnected from the anchor, whose invisible words are still seen and heard by the pupils of The Everlasting's eye. The pupil focuses with all its might and glares through the soul, binding it because the object of usefulness knows too much primary spectrum and stays off the pot
Getting around
To navigate, click the outer edges of the grid to zoom-out (up one level). Click the center of the grid to zoom-in (down one level). Would you prefer to jump to a random level? You might also enjoy the animated viewer, with which you can watch Gridcosm levels fly by. Disoriented? Read more about the Gridcosm collaborative art project.Administrivia
This is Gridcosm engine version 2.980.Completed level images are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic License. (This does not apply to individual pieces by single artists.)