Level 4300 of 4837Started on May 25, 2018.
Completed on May 26, 2018.
Artist matrix
Grid poem
DEAR BRAT PIT (YZN ) .the fact that you took GAY as sito Id proove you are homophobic and the IQ of a bug . "reserved byg GAY Remaining time: 0h 6m 6s" or beg greg the faceless drone to deliver a scone to there! The fact that you chose the sitoid MRM proves your C3-4047 sucksass bigtime! Everyone please Reserve some chill AND skill as UNGAY(pc ver) to there. MRM you crack me up sometimes. that is def shwifty mrm + perspective! lolol_ JIT THERE IS A NEW MESSAGE BOARD MORE EFFECTIVE FOR THE PUNKS THAN TEXTINESS. CLICK -MESSAGE BOARD- AND JOIN! :) JIT THERE IS COSM CHAT ON GOOGLE HANGOUTS_ The Cave(PCB): NRF = Abba, Oh = OHK -males in 40's, TYT(LJS) = Astro -gorgeous female in 30's, KRU= Kru < Hardcore sjw gangster rapper/blind kung fu master age 23? 123?__ JIT please do not confuse Oh sitoids (I am Oh yes Teh Oh hold applause please): OHK OHS THF TAB IGA AAD THS UPS CLU MVP LAH RTL OHZ OHH (PCB) NOH TEH OHI (GAY is for researve so APN won't steal it if he finds another hack LOL) Please do not confuse Oh sitoids With YZN/OAK/IJU? OR APN/PAM/MOM/HACKER.. I am sorry you do not multiple sitoids. I have math reasons. UWI says is OK for me! So just don't anymore. Weare all trying to encourage YZN who is new and young and can cosm well if he sets his mind to it and has expectation defined. APN was the hacker. He has worked with Jon to help debug SITO now so stop! HXN? RBW? YYY is a new guy not for you to abuse and scare away he can be great like you if encouraged and taught. EVERYONE TRYING HARD TO MAKE GOOD SO YOU TOO! Do not bully! Astro wants to unleash hell on you but I hold her back because you were cosm before APN/YZN even born! COSM IS YOURS first! before us. (stretches out arm) you are the best drawer and frustrated and not speak english. Lets stop hogging and do novel blends. You messed up my leg reversal! Negative space JIT! arg! I'm only one to fight you and I am biggest JIT fan so please stop ok. Oh PCB w Astro / Abba but abba went to bed and then we had to talk about when i called her a raging cuntrag but i was only trolling her etc. I MISS IPD!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh also Ozzy No More Tears + 4297 vpBvslLz7wY ftw
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This is Gridcosm engine version 2.980.Completed level images are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic License. (This does not apply to individual pieces by single artists.)