Level 4405 of 4832Started on Aug 07, 2020.
Completed on Aug 18, 2020.
Artist matrix
Grid poem
so i followed your instruction and EFDM myself and...lemme tell ya...IIIIIII'M GREAT! now I cant stop hardly =8 so happy buzz tracks unmelted wax! I do every work as a finale fascinator millinery falken crest za chapeau. I am proud ofs youa youb knowt escape from ny st?list=PL8Si67bD25q4gt54RMT3E WX7yhXmOZ5Z9 keep portland fascist (gextiness level 3984 a1 shave your head and see how patriotic a white knee can be but b1 to really say these broken records dont count) i.e mi ox aka light swatch and learn step by step
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This is Gridcosm engine version 2.980.Completed level images are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic License. (This does not apply to individual pieces by single artists.)