Level 4415 of 4861Started on Oct 05, 2020.
Completed on Dec 10, 2020.
Artist matrix
Grid poem
but, wait, what? why do you love obama? bombama ? No after you i shouldnt have to explain going back to square one can fixx you but who counts square zero level 0 isnt counted at all so you sit too close to the lamp ignoring the need for liminal grace. I had it in the bag but Sean Lennon describes you better on repeat to The Avengers '98 yes 1998 cdc sd mite u plz leave that lamp aloen because i need it for later reference
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This is Gridcosm engine version 2.980.Completed level images are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic License. (This does not apply to individual pieces by single artists.)