Level 4429 of 4799Started on Mar 29, 2021.
Completed on Mar 30, 2021.
Artist matrix
Grid poem
Do you know which GridCosm level contains the longest Grid Poem ever? Before we answer this question, we must know where's all the heart and enjoyment to this art these days? Quick answer: It's stuck in a big piece of shit. The answer to the previous question is Level 4304 with 5 seconds worth of scrolling down and probably many YouTube video links and such, and thus I started using GIMP for HyGrid, GridCosm and PANIC. The- *recorder scratches* wait, there's another program and it's called adobe sea fbi open up! *BOOM!* All of a sudden, people were arrested right to left, while this association doesn't give a crap on why they arrested innocent bystanders. This description of the FBI makes you say " oh my god, look at THAT! The firey depths of hell are licking the ground across the mad mountains and spikey grasslands beneath the moon also, do not let GridCosm cherry pick three or four random words at the start of each level, but this might be a reference that's somehow unusually short and a bit boring compared to the rest of the Grid Poem. Namaste
Getting around
To navigate, click the outer edges of the grid to zoom-out (up one level). Click the center of the grid to zoom-in (down one level). Would you prefer to jump to a random level? You might also enjoy the animated viewer, with which you can watch Gridcosm levels fly by. Disoriented? Read more about the Gridcosm collaborative art project.Administrivia
This is Gridcosm engine version 2.980.Completed level images are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic License. (This does not apply to individual pieces by single artists.)