Level 4431 of 4845Started on Mar 30, 2021.
Completed on Apr 03, 2021.
Artist matrix
Grid poem
The sky was quite beautiful although it was right next to a desert near a bunch of sentient wires that happen to show the deadline and the sun from the Tellitubbies is all grown up! I'd love to see a bigger jester somewhere around here. This ice hand on the other hand, however, I think it's a very stupid idea to make a retard put wires in the bath day veil out this secret, PANIC is coming back! After 8 and a half years of inactivity, someone must have revived this ill-fated project. goto this: anic/exchange/penguins-asc-smc .jpg or goto that: anic/exchange/dacreatif2_logo- smc.jpg to keep the project going on to the doomed beach due to a tsunami Beneath the elephant or frog-like creatrure, lies a penguin wanting attention and stuff while the fight raged on!
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This is Gridcosm engine version 2.980.Completed level images are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic License. (This does not apply to individual pieces by single artists.)