Level 4513 of 4835Started on Nov 16, 2021.
Completed on Nov 29, 2021.
Artist matrix
Grid poem
creepy like an hail hydra duplicating forever and imortal. I hope you like white 'cause it might be the main colour of this level ... wait, say what up https lately Johnny come. in my mouth but wait first i wash my teeth with french cheese. .Thanks tik tok thanks retardation worldwide thanks to no criticism and TV zombies jab 3-10 time a year until you die became possible and if you Look in between your toes. You may night find the answer, but you'll find something...
Getting around
To navigate, click the outer edges of the grid to zoom-out (up one level). Click the center of the grid to zoom-in (down one level). Would you prefer to jump to a random level? You might also enjoy the animated viewer, with which you can watch Gridcosm levels fly by. Disoriented? Read more about the Gridcosm collaborative art project.Administrivia
This is Gridcosm engine version 2.980.Completed level images are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic License. (This does not apply to individual pieces by single artists.)