Level 913 of 4861Created on Oct 22, 2001.
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If the prison changed you through discipline and punishment, then the museum was a way to show and tell so that we might look and learn. The purpose, here, was not to know about people's culture but to address people as the subjects of that culture. Not to make the population visible to power but to render power visible to the people and, at the same time, to represent to them that power as if it were their own. The museum became, and is still, a technical solution to the problem of displaying wealth and power without the attendant risks of social disorder. My Nipple and The Du Cane Boehm Family Group bet limb so ow Henry James who visited Millbank penitentuary in1884 made use of his visit. In the novel "The Princess Casamassina" (1886) he has Miss Pynsent describe the "Brown, bare, windowless walls, ugly, truncated pinnacles and a character unspeakably sad and stern. It looked very sinister and wicked, to Miss Pynsent's eyes, and she wondered why a prison should have such an evil air if it was erected in the interest of justice and order... threw a blight on the face of the day, making the river seem foul and poisonous." As with today, there was considerable delay in government building programmes. Transportation to Australia, made possible in 1787, began to relieve the pressure on the stinking hulks. It was not until 1817 that Millbank penitentiary finally opened My Skin and The Du Cane Boehm Family Group My Skin and The Du Cane Boehm Family Group To explore the economic and social elite's use of aesthetics in their ascendancy to power we need to trace at least two threads of present history. The first involves mapping the rituals of tastefulness, the distance it creates from the uninspired mob, the language and manners of the tasteful, and the inherent hypocrisy that this implies. The second centres on the histories of peoples, either ascendant, static or uncounted which recognise themselves in terms of that tastefulness, or in reaction to it, and act accordingly.
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