Description:This business is located near one of my favorite, yet out-of-the-way intersections (and neighborhoods) in Portland, NE 72nd/Sandy Blvd/Fremont St. aka the Roseway district. Within this confusing tangle of streets can be found an old-school soda fountain and pharmacy, a classic single-screen theater, some great Vietnamese restaurants and markets, and this great donut shop. "Good donuts are hard to find in this town, that's why Annie's has become an institution! Open until 10pm most nights, Annie's bakes the tasty donuts all day long, and they're cheap!" Quoted from the "Alameda Ridge Bicycle Cruise", a zine and bicycle ride I have done along the Alameda Ridge, one of Portland's natural features. (If you want a copy of the zine, please email me!)
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File uploaded:11.2.2004 05:36 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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