Description:The emphasis of this image is reflectiveness of the glass in contrest to the adjacent buildings. This design problem issued was a musem of "American Folk Art", to be located at the currentyl vacant, 40' wide lot near the MOMA in NY City, on W53rd St between 5th Ave and Ave of the Americas. (Note: The actual Folk Art Museum is being designed by Kohn Pederson Fox, NY) As part of my investigation I modelled an idea in FormZ and rendered it Infini-D on a PowerMac8100. This image is a rendering of the street facade of the first 5 stories of the building photo-montaged into a photo of the context using Photshop.
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File uploaded:4.13.1996 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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