Description:Res:648*456; Color; 63k; [CONTENT] Raytraced scene of bamboo reeds in a concrete room with a skylight. Done as part of an interpretation of principles in Japan ese architecture. [PROCESS] This image was created by modelling in FormZ, exporting the model as DXF and importing it into Infini-D, and then setting up three light sources to create 1)the dominant light grid on the ground, 2)a hot spot in that grid, 3)the reflection onto the ceiling and some diffused light in the room. I rendered the image with an alpha channel and stuck in the sky (which is ac tually mathematically generated, not scanned). I also adjusted levels, contrast, color balance, and did some retouch work in terms of smoothing edges and stuff.
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File uploaded:4.13.1996 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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