Description:The Warrior was a widely known and much beloved figure, often serving as the protagonist in many of the high adventure epic myths told more to amuse than to explain. Notable is that the description of the Warrior varies considerably in terms of gender and/or age, and so perhaps a better analysis is that the Warrior was a general archetype rather than a specific shapeshifting individual. However, there are key commonalities to sagas featuring the Warrior that, when considered together, seem to establish him/her as a unique and specific character regardless of physical description. A distinguishing scene to all Warrior myths is when some offered temptation, bribe or fee is refused by the Warrior with the phrase, "Justice is enough." Another telling characteristic is that while the Warrior's martial prowess is considerable he/she never actually kills anyone and so the stories tend to involve rather fanciful punishments or, at worst, self-inflicted harm to the villains
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File uploaded:4.3.2004 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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