Theme: When I put forth claim of (being in) love, it (Love) laughed over me and exclaimed!
"Don't tell a lie! I come only when you don't have your hands (to act), feet (to go) and intellect even (to think). No matter how long handed you are, hands-up you stand before me surrendering all weaponry of life. Such that you have no determination of yours and only my orders prevail on your outer and inner-self and you obey my orders by way of my amorous glance as at that time, may be, I do not prefer to speak!"
Portrait View: (Size 42" x 28" Oil On Canvas Year 2002 Price Euro 3200)
Long hands are allegory of power and self-pride here. As a sign of complete surrender the hands are depicting an Arabic word "LA-ILAHA" meaning, "None Lord but God".
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File uploaded:9.18.2003 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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