Description:This photograph was published in Mike Maloney's photo assesment column. "AL WE KNOW ABOUT this cat shot is that it was taken by Maria Mucharska of Manchester, using her Canon EOS 100Fn with an 80-200 lens. Whether the subject is Maria's or local cat is not recorded, but that's not a cat-astrophe. What is certain is that it's a carefully thought - out and well - taken shot. The attractively marked moggie has been photographed on a bright day, but it is sitting in the shade. Consequently, Maria has used a wide apereture and this is the factor that has really made the picture. I'd guess that she has shot this wide open, which has restricted the focus to the eyes and foreground. T he greenery has been thrown out of focus, making the cat stand out. If the shot had been taken in bright sun-light, there would have been heavy shadows and the aperture would have changed, making the foliage sharper. The photograph wouldn't have been half as successful. The one thing I 'd change is the strand of grass at the bootom of the frame - it has to go". ........................................................................................................ 24 August 2002 - Amateur Photographer
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