Description:This photograph was published in AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER 30 November 2002. "I LIKE THIS SHOT OF berries, taken by Maria Mucharska of Lancashire - I really "mucharska" how she it (sorry, Maria!). Actually, she has given me all the technical information in her letter: she used a Canon EOS 1000Fn with a 35-80 mm lens. She also attached a 4x close-up filter and 81 a warm-up filter to the lens. Film stock was Fuji Velvia. The result is a wonderful 3D effect. The close-up filter has made the red berries closest to the camera stand out sharply as the focus falls quickly away. The shot has a minimal depth of field that you don't normally associate with outdor photography. Meanwhile, the warm-up filter has added to the richness of the berries. What makes the shot is Maria's photographic vision - her ability to see the potential in the red and orange berries against the green leaves and the blue sky as a background". ........................................................................................................ 30 November 2002 - Amateur Photographer
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