Description:This photograph was published as Pic of the Week in the Amateur Photographer in Maloney column. "REFLECTIONS IN WATER and glass often make interesting subjects and Maria Mucharska of Manchester has spotted a good one hire. It shows the Urbis building in Maria's home city. In many reflections shots it;s easy to see the difference betwen real life and the reflection, but in other its more dificult-as in this picture. Maria has made a good job of balancing out the two, and the shot works very well. She has used a Canon Eos1000 Fn with a 35-80mm lens and Jessops film, and 81 A filter and a polarising filter to reduce the reflections. Maria also used maximum depth of field, which is essential. I'm awarding her my star prize for her vision and technique. Incidentally, there's another picture contained in this shot-the redbrick building in the bottom corner of the image would itself make an interesting subject.". ....................................................................................................... "Maria has rotated the polariser so that the darker area is towards the left edge of the frame, giving depth to the picture". ........................................................................................................ 15 March 2003 - Amateur Photographer
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File uploaded:1.8.2004 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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