Description:This image comes from a dream I had in December 1997. I was running down stairs in fluorescent-lit concrete building with walls painted gray like a Navy ship. There was a door on one level. I turned the knob and entered the dark room to get away from the man who was chasing me. Far off in the corner, a whirling machine played colored lights across the wall while a film consisting solely of text ran, revealing the secret conspiracy that had poisoned the U.S. milk supply with a drug that made people compliant. I drew the projector in Photoshop the same day I had the dream, and just tonight (late July 26, 2001) finally added the screen and the curtains that surrounded the viewing area using The GIMP.
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File uploaded:7.29.2001 Copyright:Artist retains full copyright of any and all works he or she has created. Please contact this artist before using any of the artist's work in any way.
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