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We are seeking soundtracks to a generated animation that is an offshoot of an online collaborative project we have called Gridcosm.

Gridcosm is a collage-like project, where artists can add small images which are combined to make a larger image. When this image (or "level") is completed, it is shrunk to 1/3 of its size and becomes the center for the next level to build upon.

This process has continued for almost 10 years and almost 3000 levels. During the lifetime of this project, various attempts have been made to build animations showing the levels either growing or collapsing. The effect is quite entertaining, overwhelming, disturbing, and, perhaps, interesting.

For a variety of reasons, we are now releasing a DVD. On it there will be a near-current "fly-through" animation of Gridcosm. It would greatly benefit from a soundtrack, or perhaps multiple soundtracks.


The soundtrack could be produced in a typical way -- composed by a musician using any number of instruments and software. However, we feel that the structured nature of the animation, plus the fact it is created algorithmically (from human-generated art), lends itself to having a generated soundtrack created for it. Or, perhaps, a generated soundtrack that is subsequently manually reworked to add a more human touch.

The project

This is a small but enthusiastic project. Regretably we cannot pay for work done, but will gladly give copies (and credit) of the DVD to anyone whose work is used. (And the DVDs will be sold for cost.) There are only 3 of us working on this DVD (2 of which also "run" the site), so it is difficult for us to say when the DVD will be finished. We would like to have the soundtracks by mid-September. We are not musicians, and would like to have something interesting, experimental, and fun as the audio track for this part of the DVD.

Please contact us if you have any questions or interest in this project. We thank you for your time!

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